Sunday, November 13, 2011

Paw Print Cookies

While making the pig and mud cupcakes I showed you a few weeks ago I also made a few cookies for my vet. Dr. Shane takes great care of our dog and rabbits, so I wanted to show her that I appreciate how much love she gives our pets by making her some sweet treats. These pawprints were so easy and came out even cuter than I expected!

Did I mention that she was just about to have a baby but still found time to call and ask how the doggy has been feeling?

I dropped these off at the office in a pretty pink box.

The next day, I got a call from the vet asking for two dozen sesame street cookies for her other daughter's second birthday!

She wanted them the day after the wedding I spent all summer working on.

So, because I'm crazy, of course I said yes. But that's a story (and some pictures) for another day.