Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tea Party Cookies

I'm not sure if you know, but I baked for a wedding of 150 people last week. 450 mini desserts and a little cake. It was INTENSE and I am so happy with how everything turned out. My friend came and took some lovely pictures of the individual items before we left and I had my camera battery charged so that I could take pictures of the full dessert table setup. I get everything ready and turn on my camera, only to realize that I forgot to bring the battery! I know, I know. I'm still kicking myself over it. In short: you're going to have to wait for pictures until I can beg them from wedding guests or the professional photographer. In the meantime, enjoy these dainty tea party cookies I made for a book club a few weeks ago. 

The rainbow swirl pattern was inspired by these gorgeous cookies.

I love the texture from the little dots.



  1. Oh my word 450 desserts! I got stressed making 24 cupcakes last weekend!
    I love the yellow and gold teacup! The biscuits look scrummy too :)

    Ally xxx

  2. Hi there! I found your blog through Stumble Upon and I'm wowed! I would be so overwhelmed with that task, but great job! Those cookies look so pretty too, so nice to "meet" another foodie!

  3. I'm so glad you like them, thank you! I love making them, so it's really not like work at all.

  4. do you ever share your sugar cookie recipe?
