Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Michelle!

This weekend, I have the flu. This weekend, it is also my dear friend and suite-mate's birthday. What does this mean?

It means I call my doctor to confirm that flu can't be transmitted via baked goods, text some other friends for help, and start baking! Obviously, the birthday girl simply had to have a cake.

We ended up with this. It was 4 layers of chocolate cake. Between each layer is a delicious glob of chocolate ganache and fresh raspberries. It's all covered in rich chocolate frosting. And it's completely dairy-free!

I had great plans for this cake. It was going to be beautifully piped with fancy letters and designs.

Maybe with a touch of glitter on top. Ultimately, the designs were made using a little spatula.

I got a teensy bit too excited by the glitter.

And when you're baking in a dorm, sometimes you have to use paper plates, even for special occasions.

But you know what?

This cake was delicious. The birthday girl enjoyed it and it was gobbled up in no time. What you see here is a very well-loved cake. And that's what matters.

We invited people over for a "surprise" party that evening, which, for a number of reasons, turned out to not be such a big surprise after all.

But we decorated the apartment nicely.

We asked the guests to come in pajamas.

We decorated cookies.

Many cookies.

We made a mess. 

I took a couple pictures, but mostly we just ate.

Nothing that day went according to plan, but I think it was perfect.

We love you Michelle. Happy birthday!


  1. Beautiful cake :D I am sure it was super yummy. I'm glad Michelle had such an awesome birthday!!

  2. Hi everyone! Birthday Girl Speaking! May I just say to all those reading this amazing blog right now - that that was the best darn cake I have ever eaten! Rivaled only by the really really amazing cookie cake made by Maddie last year on my birthday! Despite this awkwardly timed bout of flu that took ever everything - my suite-mates gave me a truly spectacular birthday with tons of amazing aspects that fit me to a T (although I never quite understood that expression) I couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate and I couldn't have hoped or wished for better friends. Thank you Maddie.
    Love always,

  3. can u tell me what sugar cookie recipe u used??? (:
