Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lots and Lots of Green Cupcakes

So, I made cupcakes a few months ago.  Lots and lots of them. And they were delicious. I've baked for years, but, because I always gobble up everything I make,  I've never tackled the transportation problem. To change that, I made about 200 mini cupcakes to bring to work so I could see how well these treats handled the ride and the summer heat. 

In case you can't tell, we had a color-wars type thing happening at camp that week. Can you guess which team my campers were on?

I'll give you a hint. Here we have some green velvet cupcakes dipped in sprinkles with cream cheese frosting.

And some vanilla bean green (no, not vanilla green bean) cupcakes with chocolate frosting.

If you spent this post imagining what 150 cupcakes look like at my dining room table at midnight, today's your lucky day.

They traveled beautifully and lasted all day in an air-conditioned room. I bought 1/2 sheet boxes and used a mini cupcake size insert so there were 48 babycakes in each box. Dumped them in my trunk, drove normally, and ta da! The only problem I had was preventing myself from taking that 5th cupcakes when there was only one left at the end of the day. After all, it really didn't make sense to take just one home all by itself, did it?

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