Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Chanukkah!

Happy Chanukkah!

These cookies were made for a big family party, so we made about 100 of them so there would be plenty to go around, especially because they're pretty tiny. 

I love the sparkle from the edible glitter, even though it makes a big mess and sticks to you like glue. I'll probably be finding it all over my face for the next week!

They were a big hit, but I made a few too many and have a ton of leftovers.

These pretty silver dragees (the little silver sugar balls) can't be found in California, so I bring them with me from Boston.

They were a bit rushed so some aren't as perfect as I would have liked, but I'm still really happy with how these came out and no one but me cares about the tiny details anyways. 

Most importantly, they were delicious!

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