Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Truffle or Two

First, I should explain that I bake because I get this "I can do that" feeling whenever I eat something sweet. I get so much satisfaction from recreating treats I've tasted and that is how I ended up with dozens and dozens of truffles.

Unfortunately I didn't get any in-progress shots, but I can show you the final product! Most of these pictures were taking by Stephanie, as usual. She rushed over to my house in the morning right before I delivered the treat.

 Oh yes, and I made the box out of chocolate, too (a graduation present for a good friend). It was easier than it looks and pretty sturdy, too!

Ready for each type of truffle?

Here's the raspberry truffle.  I made a fresh raspberry filling - tart and just the right amount of sweet.

This one has a coffee buttercream center.

And a vanilla bean filling
This one was my favorite - cinnamon caramel filling with chopped pecans.

Mint chocolate ganache in the center

And creamy ganache dipped in chocolate, then rolled in toasted pecan crumbs.
Well, I guess I could have another...


  1. Holy shit you MADE those truffles? Good work Cousin!

  2. Those truffles look nicer than the ones you can buy :D xxx
