Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grandpa's Birthday Cookies, or "I Hate the Post Office"

My grandpa is one tough guy. Back in September, he turned 90 and the family threw him a big party. Because I was as school I couldn't make it, but I sent along these cookies instead.

They were eat to make but incredibly impressive and so personal. I ordered edible icing paper with some very special pictures and they were so much fun to use. I made these in my dorm, so supplies. were tricky and they were a huge endeavor, especially because I made 100, but they came out beautifully.



Plop the pre-cut frosting transfer on top of the wet icing

Add a border and some pretty dragees. Admire and cross your fingers hoping they'll dry in time. 

Wrap them up very, VERY carefully. 

Pay $60 for overnight shipping so they they'll get there in time for the next day's party. 

And cry when the post office loses them.

True story. 

But at least we got some great pictures. Besides, Grandpa doesn't like sweets anyways.

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