Friday, May 25, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Cookies

Simply delicious and deceptively easy to make, these are sure to impress. Cinnamon roll cookies that taste exactly like the real thing.

I modified this recipe by throwing a few handfuls of almond flour into the dough and filling. It came out just right!

The dough was wet and a bit hard to work with, especially during the rolling part, but I froze the log for about 20 minutes to make it less sticky and it worked beautifully. In case you haven't noticed, that's my baking solution for just about everything: freeze it!

I drizzled a sweet glaze over these, tasted them after I took pictures, and then dumped a whole lot more glaze on top. Go crazy, it's hard to mess these cuties up.

These cookies were tender, crunchy, sweet and cinnamon-y. 

They were soft and chewy.

Small and delicious. 

Go make these - now.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great idea to make the rolls into cookie sizes! they look absolutely delicious! :)
