Saturday, July 16, 2011

What a Difference a Real Camera Makes!

Probably tired of coming over in the mornings before work, my photographer friend lent me a fabulous camera! I've been experimenting by making and photographing fruit tarts. I've been going crazy at the farmers market buying pluots, nectarines, plums, peaches, and strawberries. The crust is crumbly and nutty with walnuts and almonds. The fruit rests on a thick layer of vanilla bean-lemon pastry cream.

I have a fair amount of art background from high school programs and college classes, so I understand color and composition, but I had NO CLUE what a difference the camera makes.


I made this fruit tart last week. It was quite tasty, and I photographed it using my little point and shoot digital camera. I make sure to clear the background, go outside, and photograph in the daylight to make the best of what I have. Not bad.

But then I made a second tart the following week, using the same fruits, crust, and filling.

 With the good camera, you can see how juicy and delicious the fruit is. The glaze and the detail are clear and you can see the nuts in the crust.

There's a HUGE difference and I'm so happy with the results.

Celebrate the summer by enjoying some fresh fruit!

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