Saturday, July 23, 2011

4th of July Cookies

Alright, I admit. I went a little crazy with these. I got home from work at 4:30, started these right away, and worked through dinner until 10:30 at night. What? You mean that doesn't happen to everyone? But they were so much fun! Just about ever cookie is unique. I decorated with dragees, piping, and marbling techniques. Take a look at how I did the cookies with the marbling:

Immediately after outlining, then flooding the cookie, I piped circles of color onto the cookie. I tapped it against the table a few times to make it settle, then immediately dragged a toothpick in the direction I wanted. Ta da! This method is very forgiving and quite a bit of fun to do because of the endless possibilities.

 Anyways, lots of stars and stripes.

Tons of swirls

And, of course, lots of red white and blue!


  1. Hello! I found your blog through StumbleUpon! I'd be in trouble if I knew how to bake and make sure pretty desserts! ;)

  2. Thank you! There were so much fun to make and I tried to make each one unique.
